d20 NPC Wiki


The Knights of Death are an easily scalable Mercenary Company that is desined to be usable as a major enemy force at almost any Level. While they are devoted to an Evil Deity of Death such as Nerull or Hades, as a mercenary Corp, members could be found in the Employ of any Evil Villian who could afford to hire them. Several Major Members will be presented at different CRs to better facilitate the usefulness of this Organization.

Basic Members[]

Unique Members[]

Low Level

Mid Level

The Fighting Dead

  • Broken-Oath, Death Knight Ex-Paladin7/Blackguard4
  • Blood-Drinker, Vampire Arcane Archer CR14
  • Sorrow-Spawn, Ghost Fighter12
  • Elder-Spite, Curst Swordsage13
  • Ha-Ko-Tep, Mummified Human Cleric11

High Level
