Susie the Telepathic Waitress (Level 3)
female human Warrior 1/Adept 2
Size: Medium
Abilities: Str -1, Dex +1, Con 0, Int +1, Wis +3, Cha +2
Skills: Bluff 6 (+8), Concentration 6 (+9), Sense Motive 6 (+9), Diplomacy 6 (+8), Drive or Ride 6 (+7)
Feats: Seize Initiative, Iron Will, Die Hard, Second Chance (mental control)
Traits: none
Powers (Wisdom, Save DC 14, +8): Mental Touch, Mind Reading
Combat: Attack +3 (N/A), Defense +2 (Dodge +3), Initiative +1
Saving Throws: Toughness +0 (N/A), Fortitude +2, Reflex +1, Willpower +0
Speed: 30'
Conviction: 4, Wealth: +4, Reputation: +1, Virtue: Selfless, Vice: Impulsive
Weapons: none
Equipment: none
Description: Susie is the waitress at the local dive bar: smart, attractive, and assertive. The locals all know there's something a bit odd about her, but they don't talk about it much. Her "gifts" are entirely instinctive, rather than trained: she doesn't know how she does it, she just does it. She keeps a low profile, but she can't help occassionally listening in... her good intentions get her into a lot of trouble, but she's tough enough to get out of it again, most of the time.
Susie is loosely based on Sookie Stockhouse, from the Charlaine Harris novels.