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First One (Divine Rank 48)
Age: At least 800 billion years.
Aliases: The Grim Reaper
Alignment: Neutral
Allies (Death): None
Allies (Death's Avatar): Death gods, Princes of Elemental Evil
Enemies (Death): Life (imprisoned)
Enemies (Death's Avatar): Life gods, Life's Avatar, Princes of Elemental Good
Home Plane: Mortis Domus (Negative Energy Plane)
Nemesis: Life (Death), Life's Avatar (Death's Avatar)
Pantheon: None
Portfolios: Double Death (Death and Death's Avatar)
Quintessence: 720,000,000,000 (normally 800,000,000,000; 10% expended to create avatar)
Relatives: None


Death is the reason that all life eventually ends. Not just a force, it is a natural and intrinsic part of existence, and has always been part of the cosmos.
However, Death, along with all of the other cosmic beings, was imprisoned when the First Choir of Angels decided to seal away all beings stronger than greater deities. They were willing to make an exception for Death's avatar (and Life's avatar), despite it being stronger than the gods, to make sure that the fundamental forces of life and death remained unchanged.


Utterly emotionless, Death cares for nothing except snuffing out life. Death's cold and clinical nature is beyond legendary; nothing has ever caused it to exhibit the slightest hint of emotion.


While the angels felt that sealing away all creatures stronger than gods was the answer to ending the first cosmic war, Death disagreed. In its opinion, simply slaying everything beyond the gods was the more perfect solution. Now trapped away, Death's only goal is to free itself so that it may go and slaughter every sidereal (and similarly powerful creature) in existence.


Life: Death's greatest enemy is Life, its natural counterpart. Death restrains its desire to kill Life itself, however, for then there'd be no more living creatures for it to kill. This is not a feeling Life reciprocates, however, and before its imprisonment Life plotted endlessly to find a way to permanently destroy Death.


Very few beings know that Death's avatar is not Death itself. Death's avatar focuses on making sure that death is well-represented among the various pantheons and across the many worlds. It also has a vested interest in making sure that undeath is well-represented throughout the cosmos.

  • Freeing Death would require a sacrifice of 8,000,000,000,000 quintessence.


Death Gods: Death's avatar maintains an open dialogue with all death gods and similar cosmic entities (e.g. any creatures that have the Death portfolio).

Life Gods: Death's avatar works against the various deities of life indirectly by way of helping out gods of death and undeath. However, these machinations are somewhat known to the various life gods, who detest Death for it, though they make no move against Death directly.

Life's Avatar: Death's principle foe, Life's avatar tries to stymie Death at every turn. This is usually indirect, by way of aiding the various deities beholden to Life, leaving Life and Death locked in an eternal cold war.

Princes of Elemental Evil: The various Princes of Elemental Evil have a vested interest in Death, as it has indirect authority over the various Negative Quasi-Elemental Planes. Most have minor pacts of non-aggression worked out so that their elemental followers and Death's servitors do not come into conflict. Only Cryonax, the Elemental Prince of Evil Ice, ignores Death utterly.

Princes of Elemental Good: Like the various life gods, the Princes of Elemental Good find themselves opposing Death purely as a reaction to their de facto alliance with Life. Almost nothing ever comes of this, however, as Death ignores the struggles of the various elementals unless they come too close to its own holdings on the Negative Quasi-Elemental Planes.


It is inconceivable that Death itself could die. Being a transmortal entity, even if destroyed, Death would reform immediately. If, however, Death were to be permanently destroyed, then all of existence would be altered. The Negative Energy Plane would slowly dissipate over the course of 320 days, with the Negative Quasi-Elemental Planes crumbling to nothing a full 160 days after that.

This would have massive repercussions throughout the cosmos. All undead beings would lose 1 hp per day once Death was destroyed, with this damage being permanent (unable to be restored by any means, save for a limited wish restoring 1 hp, or a wish restoring 1 hp per caster level). Those who managed to continue existing after the Negative Energy Plane was gone would need to make a Fortitude save (DC 368) each day or be immediately destroyed, in addition to now permanently losing 1 hp per hour. Living creatures, likewise, would gain a further death threshold of 1 hp below -10 per day after Death was destroyed (e.g. seven days after Death was destroyed, a living creature would only die when brought down to -17 hit points, etc). Once the Negative Energy Plane was completely gone, no living creature would ever die, no matter how far down their hit points dropped (similar conditions, such as having an ability score reduced to 0, would likewise just render a creature unconscious; not kill them).

It is likely that the forces of Existence would not allow this situation to stand, however. If Death's avatar still exists, it will likely find itself aided by various agents throughout the planes, hoping to grant it enough power to ascend to First One status and take the place of its previous incarnation. However, both Death's avatar and its helpers would likely have to contend with whatever was powerful enough to permanently destroy Death in the first place.


High Epic: A powerful planar thief has stolen The Scythe of the Reaper, and framed the PCs for the crime! Now, the heroes must fend off attacks from Death's various allies and servitors, while attempting to track down the real thief and clear their names.

Low Cosmic: A death god from the PCs home world approaches them, asking for a favor. It promises that if they can help it slay Life's avatar - thereby hopefully gaining it great favor from Death - it will guarantee that they never die. Should the PCs help with such an upset to the cosmic balance, however? And can the death god be trusted?

Mid-Cosmic: The sundering of a nearby time lord has released enough power to free Life and Death from their bonds! The two immediately do battle, and Death slays Life itself. Now, the PCs must track down the artifact known as the Vitalizer to help Life's Avatar, which has gone into hiding, ascend before all life in the multiverse dies.


First One of death (Divine Rank 48)
N Gargantuan Undead (Augmented Outsider, Extraplanar)
Init +147 (+99 Dex, +48 divine); Senses unlimited sight and hearing (including darkvision; senses extend into Ethereal Plane); Listen +428, Spot +428
Aura divine aura (13,200 ft., DC 186)
Languages all

AC Cannot be hit; 655, touch 510, flat-footed 457 (+140 Death’s Shroud, +99 Dex, -4 size, +145 natural, +70 deflection, +48 divine, +48 insight (Unknowing Body), +99 dodge (Dodge, Supreme Dodge, and Uncanny Dodge)); greater scion of death (+96 competence to AC against living creatures), Combat Mastery (trade any amount of BAB for dodge bonus to AC)
hp 435,200 (320 HD); fast healing 150; DR 120/--
Immune first one immunities, necromantic attacks and spells, undead immunities
Resist cold 320; SR 388 (spells that don’t get through are reflected back at the caster)
Fort +350, Ref +379, Will +337
Weakness double damage from positive energy effects and spells

Spd superluminal (5,621,108,587 ft.; 1,124,221,717 squares); normally 500 ft. (100 squares), fly 500 ft. (perfect)
Melee The Scythe of the Reaper 4 attacks; always hits except on a natural 1 (+540/+535/+530/+525; touch attack to hit (+636/+631/+626/+621 against living creatures)) (14,600 plus 24 plus 150 (300 against living creatures) negative energy plus 960 against living creatures/9-20/x10 plus Fort save (DC 219) or be destroyed)
Ranged +463
Space 20 ft.; Reach infinite
Base Atk +320; Grp +454
Atk Options Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery, Uncanny Whirlwind Attack
Special Atks Redivivus, Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery
Combat Gear The Scythe of the Reaper
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 368th, +374 on checks to penetrate spell resistance) At will – animate dead, cause fear (DC 177), create greater undead, create undead, death knell (DC 178), death ward (DC 180), destruction (DC 183), slay living (DC 181), wail of the banshee (DC 185) (Death may use one of these spell-like abilities as a swift action each round).

Abilities Str 154, Dex 208, Con --, Int 124, Wis 124, Cha 151
SQ cosmic abilities, divine abilities, double death portfolio qualities, first one qualities, transcendental abilities, undead traits
Feats Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Generous Spell, Great Cleave, Greater Spell Penetration, Greater Weapon Focus (scythe), Greater Weapon Specialization (scythe), Heighten Spell, Immediate Spell, Improved Sunder, Irresistible Spell, Maximize Spell, Mobility, Personal Immunity, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Quicken Spell, Run, Spell Penetration, Spring Attack, Track, Transdimensional Spell, Unholy Fortitude, Unholy Toughness, Weapon Focus (scythe), Weapon Specialization (scythe), Whirlwind Attack, Widen Spell
Epic Feats Automatic Metamagic Capacity (x76), Cats Fall, Combat Mastery, Dexterous Will, Dexterous Fortitude, Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Weapon Focus (scythe), Epic Weapon Specialization (scythe), Ether Goer, Etheric Vision, Fast Healing (x50), Greater Critical Multiplier (scythe), Improved Spell Resistance (x5), Legendary Tracker, Light Eradication, Metamagic Freedom, Plastic Soul, Polyglot, Pre-Emptive Strike, Sixth Sense, Skywalker, Spectral Strike, Spell Opportunity, Subtle Body, Superior Sunder, Supreme Dodge, Tenacious Body, Uncanny Power Attack
Skills Appraise +460, Autohypnosis +460, Balance +502, Bluff +441, Climb +443 (+475 involving climbing ropes), Concentration +441, Craft (all) +428, Decipher Script +428, Diplomacy +505, Disable Device +428, Disguise +441 (+473 to act in character), Escape Artist +470 (+502 involving ropes), Forgery +428, Gather Information +473, Handle Animal +441, Heal +428, Hide +458, Intimidate +473, Jump +475, Knowledge (arcana) +428, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +428, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +428, Knowledge (geography) +428, Knowledge (history) +428, Knowledge (local) +428, Knowledge (nature) +460, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +428, Knowledge (psionics) +460, Knowledge (religion) +428, Knowledge (the planes) +428, Listen +428, Move Silently +470, Open Lock +470, Perform (all) +441, Profession (all) +428, Psicraft +460 (+492 to address power stones), Ride +502, Search +428 (+460 involving secret doors and similar compartments), Sense Motive +428, Sleight of Hand +502, Spellcraft +460 (+492 to decipher spells on scrolls), Spot +428, Survival +428 (+460 when underground, to keep from getting lost or to avoid natural hazards, in aboveground natural environments, when on other planes, or when following tracks), Swim +443, Tumble +502, Use Magic Device +441 (+505 involving scrolls), Use Psionic Device +441 (+473 to address power stones), Use Rope +470 (+502 involving bindings)
Possessions The Scythe of the Reaper and Death’s Shroud
Effective Character Level 560

First One Traits:

  • Alter Reality (Su): As a First One, Death is part of the fabric of reality. Once per round as a free action Death can duplicate any spell of a level equal to 85. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of a DC equal to 480 or less.
  • Cosmic Consciousness (Ex): Death's senses extend to the borders of the plane (or planar layer) it currently inhabits (it can also see into the Ethereal Plane, thanks to its Etheric Vision feat).
  • Cosmic Firmament (Ex): Death is treated as if always within its godly realm, regardless of where it manifests.
  • Dimensional Mastery (Transmortality) (Su): Death cannot be permanently destroyed, even by beings of a higher divine rank.
  • Divine Aura (Su): Every creature within 13,200 ft. of Death is within its divine aura. As a free action each round, Death may choose its aura to have one of the following effects (DC 186) (the daze, heroism, greater heroism, and superior heroism abilities are overwritten by other abilities, and so are not listed here):
Death: Those within Death's aura must make a Fortitude save or die. Death can only slay up to a total of 3,200 hit points per round (although it can choose which targets are affected first).
Fear: Those within Death's aura must make a Will save or be shaken and suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks.
Insanity: Those within Death's aura must make a Will save or become permanently insane.
Pain: Those within Death's aura must make a Fortitude save or suffer wracking pains that impose a -4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks and ability checks. These effects last for 1 hour after the creature leaves Death's divine aura.
Perfect Heroism: Allies within Death's aura gain a +8 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves and skill checks. They are also immune to fear and gain 60 temporary hit points.
Sleep: Those within Death's aura must make a Will save or go to sleep, as the spell.
Stunning: Those within Death's aura must make a Will save or be unable to act, other than defend themselves for 1d6 rounds.
Weakness: Those within Death's aura must make a Fortitude save or suffer 3d6 points of Strength damage.
  • Divine Bonus (Ex): As a First One, Death has a +48 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance (already factored into above statistics).
  • Grant Spells (Su): Death can grant spells of any level (the recipient must still be of sufficient power to cast the spell).
  • Immortality (Ex): Death does not age and does not require air, food, drink, or sleep.
  • Immunities (Ex): Death is unaffected by natural or magical effects (e.g. lava, fireballs, etc). Death can still be affected by artifacts, divine (or higher) abilities, epic magic items, and epic spells.
  • Maven (Ex): Death has maximum ranks in all skills it knows (already factored into above statistics).
  • Omnicompetent (Ex): Death knows all skills.

Double Death Portfolio Abilities:

  • Greater Scion of Death (Ex): Death gains a +96 competence bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and armor class against living creatures.
  • Improved Negative Energy Absorption (Ex): Death heals 5 hp/level from necromantic attacks against it. It may (as a free action when it gains these hit points) distribute hit points gained to allies within 13,200 ft. of it, in any amount it wishes.
  • Lord of Death (Su): Any undead with a lower divine rank within Death's divine aura or godly realm are automatically dominated (as the spell). There is no limit to the number of undead Death can dominate this way.
  • Necromantic Immunity (Ex): Death is immune to necromantic attacks and spells.
  • Pariah of Life (Ex): Any spell or effect that would bring someone back to life (e.g. resurrection, reincarnation, etc.) do not function within Death's godly realm.
  • Perfect Embodiment of Death (Ex): Death's necromantic attacks (e.g. Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery, necromantic spells, etc.) can affect any creature, regardless of immunities.
  • Perfect Summoning (Undead): Undead that Death creates/summons have triple normal Hit Dice.
  • Rectify (Su): Those that Death kills are treated as though they never existed to begin with, retconning them out of existence.
  • Redivivus (Su): Once per day per character, Death may summon someone's greatest enemy for 320 rounds as a standard action.
  • Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery (Su): Death is able to use any of the following negative energy effects (calculated as though it had twice as many Hit Dice). These effects damage constructs and other creatures normally immune to negative energy (due to Death's Perfect Embodiment of Death power), but heal undead creatures (or other creatures that are healed by negative energy) 5 hp per negative level. Creatures that gain negative levels can make a Fortitude save (DC 186) after one day to remove the effect. Death may use multiple powers at once, but the number of negative levels dealt is divided by the number of powers used (e.g. if Death uses Negative Energy Beam and Negative Energy Strike in the same round, Negative Energy Beam would deal 53 negative levels, and each Negative Energy Strike would deal 13 negative levels). When using area-effect powers, Death can choose which creatures in the area are affected and which are not.
Beam (Ray): As a standard action, Death can fire a beam of negative energy from its eyes, as a ranged touch attack up to 26,000 ft. away, that deals 106 negative energy levels (no save).
Blast (Wave): As a standard action, Death can (from itself, or from any point it has line of effect to within 26,000 ft.) create an explosion of negative energy that deals 53 negative levels to everyone within a 1,625 ft. radius. Those affected may make a Reflex save (DC 186) for half damage.
Blood: As a standard action, Death can make it so those who strike and injure it are hit by negative energy "splash-back" that inflicts 26 negative levels. Anyone so affected may make a Reflex save (DC 186) to avoid the negative levels. This remains in effect until Death ceases to use it (a free action).
Breath: As a standard action once every 1d4 rounds, Death can use a negative energy breath weapon (either in a cone out to 1,625 ft., or in a line out to 6,500 ft.) that deals 106 negative levels. Anyone so affected may make a Reflex save (DC 186) for half damage.
Hand: As a standard action, Death may make a touch attack that deals 159 negative levels (no save).
Immolation (self-destruction): If reduced to 0 hit points (or as a standard action) Death explodes, dealing 159 negative levels to everyone within a 13,200 ft. radius. Affected creatures may make a Reflex save (DC 186) for half damage.
Storm (aura): As a standard action, Death can surround itself with a "storm" of negative energy in a 13,200 ft. radius. Everyone within the storm takes 26 negative levels every round, though affected creatures may make a Reflex save (DC 186) each round for half damage. This remains in effect until Death ceases to use it (a free action).
Strike: As a free action, Death can make all of its melee attacks (whether with manufactured or natural weapons) deal 26 negative levels on a successful hit (no save); this does not stack with any negative weapons dealt by a weapon's special abilities.
Wrath (gaze): As a standard action, Death may grant itself a negative energy gaze attack, which lasts until it takes a free action to end it. Everyone within 1,625 ft. must make a Will save each round (DC 186) or take 53 negative levels. While this power is in use, Death may also take a standard action to use its gaze attack against one opponent, forcing that opponent to make another saving throw against this power. All the standard rules for gaze effects apply to this attack.
  • Undead Messiah (Su): Undead creatures of a lower divine rank cannot directly or indirectly harm Death (no save).

Divine Abilities:

  • Create Greater Spawn (Su): Any mortals that Death slays become an undead creature. Death may choose the type of undead, but it cannot have more than double the Hit Dice of the slain creature, nor can it have a Challenge Rating of over 106.
  • Greater Aura (Su): Death's divine aura gains the sleep, pain, and greater heroism effects (see Divine Aura).
  • Heavenly Soul (Su): Death adds a +70 luck bonus to all of its saving throws (already factored into above statistics).
  • House of Death (Ex): Petitioners in Death's realm become a type of undead with a CR equal to 2/3 their ECL.
  • Moderate Eradication (Ex): Death has a 50% chance of scoring a critical hit against creatures normally immune to critical hits (this is superseded by Heavy Eradication).
  • Nescient (Ex): Death does not need to meet the prerequisites for the feats it has.
  • Perfect Aura (Su): Death's divine aura gains the insanity, death, and perfect heroism effects (see Divine Aura).
  • Perfect Weapon Specialization (scythe) (Ex): Death always deals maximum damage when wielding a scythe (this also applies to extra damage dice gained from/with the weapon).
  • Postcognition (Su): Death may see a being's entire past if the being fails a Will save (DC 323); it may make further checks against a being that successfully saves, but the being gains a +10 cumulate bonus per successful save on subsequent attempts.
  • Precognition (Su): Death may see a being's plots and goals if the being fails a Will save (DC 323); it may make further checks against a being that successfully saves, but the being gains a +10 cumulate bonus per successful save on subsequent attempts.
  • Superior Aura (Su): Death's divine aura gains the stunning, weakness, and superior heroism effects (see Divine Aura).
  • Superior Critical (scythe) (Ex): Death's critical threat range for all attacks with a scythe is quadrupled (this stacks with the opening special ability).
  • Sure-Footed (Ex): Death cannot be tripped, except by beings of a higher divine rank.
  • Sure-Handed (Ex): Death cannot be disarmed, except by beings of a higher divine rank.
  • Telelocation (Ex): Death automatically knows the location of any creature it is hunting.
  • Threatening Critical (Ex): All critical threats that Death makes are automatically confirmed as critical hits.
  • True Seeing (Su): Death is always considered to be under the effects of true seeing.
  • Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Death uses its Dexterity modifier as its dodge bonus to Armor Class (already factored into above statistics).
  • Uncanny Weapon Focus (Ex): Death's Base Attack Bonus is equal to its Hit Dice (normally, Death's BAB equals its HD anyway, but this ability is a prerequisite for Unearthly Weapon Focus).
  • Uncanny Weapon Specialization (Ex): Every weapon Death wields inflicts damage as though it were made of pure orichalcum with a 0.0004% lining of neutronium (meaning its base damage dice are multiplied by 24).
  • Uncanny Whirlwind Attack (Ex): As a full attack action, Death may make a full attack against every creature it threatens.
  • Unknowing Body (Ex): Death has a +48 insight bonus to its Armor Class (already factored into above statistics).
  • Unknowing Spirit (Ex): Death adds a +48 insight bonus to the save DCs of all its abilities (already factored into above statistics).
  • X-Ray Vision (Ex): Death can see through solid objects. Each round of concentration lets it see through 1 inch of metal, 1 foot of stone, or 3 feet of wood or dirt. Dense materials such as lead, gold, adamantine, orichalcum, neutronium, etc. cannot be seen through.

Cosmic Abilities:

  • Abrogate: (Su): A single opponent inside of Death's divine aura has its greatest ability negated. This can be a particular power, an artifact it possesses, or merely its highest ability score (which is reduced to 10 by this ability).
  • Divine Nescience (Ex): Death does not need to meet the prerequisites for the divine abilities it has.
  • Dominance (Su): Opponents with 106 Hit Dice or less automatically fail their saving throws against Death (this includes the saving throw from The Scythe of the Reaper's everdread special ability).
  • Heavy Eradication (Ex): Death can score critical hits even against opponents that are normally immune to critical hits.
  • Legendary Dexterity (Ex): Death's Dexterity score is doubled (already factored into above statistics).
  • Psychometry (Ex): Death can perfectly gauge the powers and abilities of those it can see (allowing the person running Death to see the game statistics of those Death uses this ability on).
  • Unearthly Weapon Focus (Ex): Death only needs to make touch attacks to hit an opponent.
  • Unearthly Weapon Specialization (Ex): The base damage for Death's attacks is multiplied by its critical hit modifier. On a critical hit, the damage is again multiplied by the critical hit multiplier, for full value (e.g. a double-double is a quadruple, not a triple).

Transcendental Abilities:

  • Perfect Defense (Ex): Attack rolls made against Death always fail. This can be overcome by the Ultimate Weapon Focus transcendental ability, or by the Oblique Strike cosmic ability (or a weapon using the echoing special ability).
  • Transversal (Ex): Death's reach is equal to its sight (see Cosmic Consciousness). This stacks with all Cleave and Whirlwind Attack feats and powers.

Undead Traits: Death is immune to ability damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity), ability drain, critical hits, death effects, death from massive damage, disease, effects that require a Fortitude save (unless it affects objects or is harmless), energy drain, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, or stunning. Death is healed by negative energy and harmed by positive energy, and is destroyed at 0 hit points (though Transmortality applies then).


Description: This scythe's staff seems to be made of a long, twisted branch (actually colorized orichalcum). The blade is made of pure orichalcum, with an inlay of 0.0004% neutronium, and decorated with runes that spell out "Death" in every language. The Scythe of the Reaper resizes to the appropriate size for each wielder (doing a base 60d10 damage for Gargantuan wielders, and 20d10 damage for Medium wielders), and requires a minimum Strength of 145 to wield.
Powers: The Scythe of the Reaper is a +100 unerring, echoing, opening, ghost touch, lesser dark nexus scythe of everdread. It overcomes the first 100 points of hardness that an object has. The base DC for the everdread ability is DC 123; Death adds its divine bonus to the DC, and the bonus from its Unknowing Spirit ability. The Scythe of the Reaper bestows one hundred negative levels on any living creatures attempting to wield it. The negative levels remains as long as the Scythe is in hand and disappears when the Scythe is no longer wielded. These negative levels never results in actual level loss, but they cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the Scythe is wielded.


Description: This ragged-looking shroud is pure black, reflecting no light whatsoever. It always feels uncomfortably cold to the touch, and seems to always have a fine coat of grave dust on it. It resizes to fit each wearer.
Powers: The Shroud grants a +140 bonus to AC; this bonus is typeless, and applies to touch and flat-footed AC as well. It also grants a +140 typeless bonus to saves. Further, any creature wearing it may move at superluminal speed. Death's Shroud bestows one hundred negative levels on any living creatures attempting to wear it. The negative levels remains as long as the Shroud is worn and disappears when the Shroud is removed. These negative levels never results in actual level loss, but they cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the Shroud is worn.


Everdread: A weapon with this ability functions as a dread weapon against all creature types.
Overwhelming conjuration; CL 75th; Craft Epic Arms & Armor, summon monster IX; Price +25 bonus.

Lesser Dark Nexus: This weapon is a minor gateway to the Negative Energy Plane. It deal an additional 25d6 negative energy damage to any creature struck by one of their blows, even if the creature is normally unharmed by negative energy (e.g. constructs, undead, etc). Creatures normally vulnerable to negative energy (e.g. living creatures, deathless, etc.) suffer double this amount of damage.
Overwhelming conjuration and universal; CL 54th; Craft Epic Arms & Armor, gate, wish; Price +18 bonus.


Elder One of death (Divine Rank 24)
N Large Undead (Augmented Outsider, Extraplanar)
Init +84 (+60 Dex, +24 divine); Senses unlimited sight and hearing (including darkvision; senses extend into Ethereal Plane); Listen +213, Spot +213
Aura divine aura (6,800 ft., DC 90)
Languages all

AC Cannot be hit; 310, touch 256, flat-footed 189 (+70 Death’s Shroud facsimile, +24 divine, +54 natural, +60 Dex, +60 dodge, +1 dodge (Death's Shroud facsimile), +32 deflection, -1 size); greater scion of death (+48 competence bonus to AC against living creatures), Combat Mastery (trade any amount of BAB for dodge bonus to AC)
hp 84,480 (160 HD); DR 60/--
Immune elder one immunities, necromantic attacks and spells, undead immunities
Resist cold resistance 160; SR 194 (spells that don’t get through are reflected back at the caster)
Fort +240, Ref +269, Will +234
Weakness double damage from positive energy effects and spells

Spd 430 ft., fly 430 ft. (perfect)
Melee The Scythe of the Reaper facsimile 5 attacks; always hits except on a natural 1 (+273/+273/+273/+273/+273; touch attack to hit (+321/+321/+321/+321/+321 against living creatures)) (4,760 plus 24 plus 480 against living creatures/17-20/x10 plus Fort save (DC 121) or be destroyed)
Ranged +243
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +160; Grp +219
Atk Options Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery
Special Atks Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery
Combat Gear The Scythe of the Reaper facsimile
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 184th, +188 on checks to penetrate spell resistance) At will – animate dead, cause fear (DC 91), create greater undead, create undead, death knell (DC 92), death ward (DC 94), destruction (DC 97), slay living (DC 95), wail of the banshee (DC 99) (Death's avatar may use one of these spell-like abilities as a swift action each round).

Abilities Str 72, Dex 130, Con --, Int 62, Wis 62, Cha 75
SQ cosmic abilities, divine abilities, double death portfolio qualities, elder one qualities, transcendental abilities, undead traits
Feats Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Great Cleave, Greater Spell Penetration, Greater Weapon Focus (scythe), Greater Weapon Specialization (scythe), Heighten Spell, Immediate Spell, Improved Critical (scythe), Maximize Spell, Mobility, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Spell Penetration, Spring Attack, Transdimensional Spell, Unholy Fortitude, Unholy Toughness, Weapon Focus (scythe), Weapon Specialization (scythe), Whirlwind Attack, Widen Spell
Epic Feats Automatic Metamagic Capacity (x30), Combat Mastery, Epic Weapon Focus (scythe), Epic Weapon Specialization (scythe), Etheric Vision, Great Dexterity (x22), Greater Critical (scythe), Greater Critical Multiplier (scythe), Improved Dodge, Light Eradication, Metamagic Freedom, Polyglot, Pre-Emptive Strike, Sixth Sense, Skywalker, Spectral Strike, Spell Opportunity, Supreme Dodge, Uncanny Power Attack
Skills Appraise +229, Autohypnosis +229, Balance +263, Bluff +219, Climb +218 (+234 involving climbing ropes), Concentration +219, Craft (all) +213, Decipher Script +213, Diplomacy +251, Disable Device +213, Disguise +219 (+235 to act in character), Escape Artist +247 (+263 involving ropes), Forgery +213, Gather Information +235, Handle Animal +219, Heal +213, Hide +243, Intimidate +235, Jump +234, Knowledge (arcana) +213, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +213, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +213, Knowledge (geography) +213, Knowledge (history) +213, Knowledge (local) +213, Knowledge (nature) +229, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +213, Knowledge (psionics) +229, Knowledge (religion) +213, Knowledge (the planes) +213, Listen +213, Move Silently +247, Open Lock +247, Perform (all) +219, Profession (all) +213, Psicraft +229 (+235 to address power stones), Ride +263, Search +213 (+229 involving secret doors and similar compartments), Sense Motive +213, Sleight of Hand +263, Spellcraft +229 (+235 to decipher spells on scrolls), Spot +213, Survival +213 (+229 when underground, to keep from getting lost or for avoiding natural hazards, in aboveground natural environments, when on other planes, or when following tracks), Swim +218, Tumble +263, Use Magic Device +219 (+251 involving scrolls), Use Psionic Device +219 (+235 to address power stones), Use Rope +247 (+263 involving bindings)
Possessions The Scythe of the Reaper and Death’s Shroud (facsimiles)
Effective Character Level 280

Elder One Traits:

  • Alter Reality (Su): As an Elder One, Death's avatar is part of the fabric of reality. Once per round as a free action Death's avatar can duplicate any spell of a level equal to 39. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of a DC equal to 249 or less.
  • Cosmic Consciousness (Ex): Death's avatar's senses extend to the borders of the plane (or planar layer) it currently inhabits (it can also see into the Ethereal Plane, thanks to its Etheric Vision feat).
  • Cosmic Firmament (Ex): Death's avatar is treated as if always within its godly realm, regardless of where it manifests.
  • Cosmic String (Ex): Death's avatar can only be permanently destroyed by a being of equal or better divine status. If destroyed by a being of lower status, Death's avatar simply rejuvenates within 1d10 minutes. The Staff of Life (Life's weapon) and the Undersword (currently wielded by Alabaster) can overcome this ability.
  • Divine Aura (Su): Every creature within 6,800 ft. of Death's avatar is within its divine aura. As a free action each round, Death's avatar may choose its aura to have one of the following effects (DC 90):
Daze: Those within Death's avatar's aura must make a Will save or be unable to act, other than defend themselves, for 1 round.
Fear: Those within Death's avatar's aura must make a Will save or be shaken and suffer a -2 more penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks.
Heroism: Allies within Death's avatar's aura gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls, saves, and checks.
  • Divine Bonus (Ex): As an Elder One, Death's avatar has a +24 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance (already factored into above statistics).
  • Grant Spells (Su): Death's avatar can grant spells of any level (the recipient must still be of sufficient power to cast the spell).
  • Immortality (Ex): Death's avatar does not age and does not require air, food, drink, or sleep.
  • Immunities (Ex): Death's avatar is unaffected by natural or magical effects (e.g. lava, fireballs, etc). Death's avatar can still be affected by artifacts, divine (or higher) abilities, epic magic items, and epic spells.
  • Maven (Ex): Death's avatar has maximum ranks in all skills it knows (already factored into above statistics).
  • Omnicompetent (Ex): Death's avatar knows all skills.

Double Death Portfolio Abilities:

  • Greater Scion of Death (Ex): Death's avatar gains a +48 competence bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and armor class against living creatures.
  • Improved Negative Energy Absorption (Ex): Death's avatar heals 5 hp/level from necromantic attacks against it. It may (as a free action when it gains these hit points) distribute hit points gained to allies within 13,200 ft. of it, in any amount it wishes.
  • Lord of Death (Su): Any undead with a lower divine rank within Death's avatar's divine aura or godly realm are automatically dominated (as the spell). There is no limit to the number of undead Death's avatar can dominate this way.
  • Necromantic Immunity (Ex): Death's avatar is immune to necromantic attacks and spells.
  • Perfect Embodiment of Death (Ex): Death's avatar's necromantic attacks (e.g. Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery, necromantic spells, etc.) can affect any creature, regardless of immunities.
  • Perfect Summoning (Undead): Undead that Death's avatar creates/summons have triple normal Hit Dice.
  • Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery (Su): Death's avatar is able to use any of the following negative energy effects (calculated as though it had twice as many Hit Dice). These effects damage constructs and other creatures normally immune to negative energy (due to Death's avatar's Perfect Embodiment of Death power), but heal undead creatures (or other creatures that are healed by negative energy) 5 hp per negative level. Creatures that gain negative levels can make a Fortitude save (DC 100) after one day to remove the effect. Death's avatar may use multiple powers at once, but the number of negative levels dealt is divided by the number of powers used (e.g. if Death's avatar uses Negative Energy Beam and Negative Energy Strike in the same round, Negative Energy Beam would deal 26 negative levels, and each Negative Energy Strike would deal 6 negative levels). When using area-effect powers, Death's avatar can choose which creatures in the area are affected and which are not.
Beam (Ray): As a standard action, Death's avatar can fire a beam of negative energy from its eyes, as a ranged touch attack up to 13,200 ft. away., that deals 53 negative energy levels (no save).
Blast (Wave): As a standard action, Death's avatar can (from itself, or from any point it has line of effect to within 13,200 ft.) create an explosion of negative energy that deals 26 negative levels to everyone within a 825 ft. radius. Those affected may make a Reflex save (DC 100) for half damage.
Blood: As a standard action, Death's avatar can make it so those who strike and injure it are hit by negative energy "splash-back" that inflicts 13 negative levels. Anyone so affected may make a Reflex save (DC 100) to avoid the negative levels.
Breath: As a standard action once every 1d4 rounds, Death's avatar can use a negative energy breath weapon (either in a cone out to 825 ft., or in a line out to 3,300 ft.) that deals 53 negative levels. Anyone so affected may make a Reflex save (DC 100) for half damage.
Hand: As a standard action, Death's avatar may make a touch attack that deals 79 negative levels (no save).
Immolation (self-destruction): If reduced to 0 hit points (or as a standard action) Death's avatar explodes, dealing 79 negative levels to everyone within a 6,800 ft. radius. Affected creatures may make a Reflex save (DC 100) for half damage.
Storm (aura): As a standard action, Death's avatar can surround itself with a "storm" of negative energy in a 6,800 ft. radius. Everyone within the storm takes 13 negative levels every round, though affected creatures may make a Reflex save (DC 100) each round for half damage. This remains in effect until Death's avatar ceases to use it (a free action).
Strike: As a free action, Death's avatar can make all of its melee attacks (whether with manufactured or natural weapons) deal 13 negative levels on a successful hit (no save); this does not stack with any negative weapons dealt by a weapon's special abilities.
Wrath (gaze): As a standard action, Death's avatar may grant itself a negative energy gaze attack, which lasts until it takes a free action to end it. Everyone within 825 ft. must make a Will save each round (DC 100) or take 26 negative levels. While this power is in use, Death's avatar may also take a standard action to use its gaze attack against one opponent, forcing that opponent to make another saving throw against this power. All the standard rules for gaze effects apply to this attack.
  • Undead Messiah (Su): Undead creatures of a lower divine rank cannot directly or indirectly harm Death's avatar (no save).

Divine Abilities:

  • Heavenly Soul (Su): Death's avatar adds a +32 luck bonus to all of its saving throws (already factored into above statistics).
  • House of Death (Ex): Petitioners in Death's avatar's realm become a type of undead with a CR equal to 2/3 their ECL.
  • Moderate Eradication (Ex): Death's avatar has a 50% chance of scoring a critical hit against creatures normally immune to critical hits (this is superseded by Heavy Eradication).
  • Nescient (Ex): Death's avatar does not need to meet the prerequisites for the feats it has.
  • Perfect Weapon Focus (Ex): Death's avatar always uses its highest BAB for iterative attacks.
  • Perfect Weapon Specialization (scythe) (Ex): Death's avatar always deals maximum damage when wielding a scythe (this also applies to extra damage dice gained from/with the weapon).
  • Superior Critical (scythe) (Ex): Death's avatar's critical threat range for all attacks with a scythe is quadrupled.
  • Threatening Critical (Ex): All critical threats that Death's avatar makes are automatically confirmed as critical hits.
  • Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Death's avatar uses its Dexterity modifier as its dodge bonus to Armor Class (already factored into above statistics).
  • Uncanny Weapon Focus (Ex): Death's avatar's Base Attack Bonus is equal to its Hit Dice (normally, Death's avatar's BAB equals its HD anyway, but this ability is a prerequisite for Unearthly Weapon Focus).
  • Uncanny Weapon Specialization (Ex): Every weapon Death's avatar wields inflicts damage as though it were made of pure adamantine with a 0.19% lining of orichalcum.
  • Unknowing Spirit (Ex): Death's avatar adds a +24 insight bonus to the save DCs of all its abilities (already factored into above statistics).

Cosmic Abilities:

  • Heavy Eradication (Ex): Death's avatar can score critical hits even against opponents that are normally immune to critical hits.
  • Legendary Dexterity (Ex): Death's avatar's Dexterity score is doubled (this is applied before adding Great Dexterity; already factored into above statistics).
  • Unearthly Weapon Focus (Ex): Death's avatar only needs to make touch attacks to hit an opponent.
  • Unearthly Weapon Specialization (Ex): The base damage for Death's avatar's attacks is multiplied by its critical hit modifier. On a critical hit, the damage is again multiplied by the critical hit multiplier, for full value (e.g. a double-double is a quadruple, not a triple).

Transcendental Abilities:

  • Perfect Defense (Ex): Attack rolls made against Death always fail. This can be overcome by the Ultimate Weapon Focus transcendental ability, or by the Oblique Strike cosmic ability (or a weapon using the echoing special ability).

Undead Traits: Death's avatar is immune to ability damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity), ability drain, critical hits, death effects, death from massive damage, disease, effects that require a Fortitude save (unless it affects objects or is harmless), energy drain, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, or stunning. Death's avatar is healed by negative energy and harmed by positive energy, and is destroyed at 0 hit points (though Cosmic String applies then).


Description: This minor artifact is a replica of the true Scythe of the Reaper, though it is still extremely powerful. Crafted from pure adamantine with an inlay of 0.19% orichalcum, the blade is adorned with runes that spell out "Death" in every language. The Scythe of the Reaper resizes to the appropriate size for each wielder (doing a base 8d6 damage for Large wielders, and 4d8 damage for Medium wielders), and requires a minimum Strength of 70 to wield.
Powers: The Scythe of the Reaper facsimile is a +50 unerring scythe of everdread. It overcomes the first 20 points of hardness that an object has. The base DC for the everdread ability is DC 73; Death's avatar adds its divine bonus to the DC, and the bonus from its Unknowing Spirit ability. The Scythe of the Reaper facsimile bestows fifty negative levels on any living creatures attempting to wield it. The negative levels remains as long as the Scythe is in hand and disappears when the Scythe is no longer wielded. These negative levels never results in actual level loss, but they cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the Scythe is wielded.


Description: This minor artifact is a copy of Death's Shroud. Pure black, it reflects no light whatsoever and feels uncomfortably cold to the touch, always having a fine coat of grave dust on it. It resizes to fit each wearer.
Powers: Death's Shroud facsimile grants a +70 bonus to AC; this bonus is typeless, and applies to touch and flat-footed AC as well. It also grants a +70 typeless bonus to saves. Further, any creature wearing it is always under the effects of a haste spell. Death's Shroud facsimile bestows fifty negative levels on any living creatures attempting to wear it. The negative levels remains as long as the Shroud is worn and disappears when the Shroud is removed. These negative levels never results in actual level loss, but they cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the Shroud is worn.


Intermediate Deity of death (Divine Rank 12)
N Medium Undead (Augmented Outsider, Extraplanar)
Init +46 (+34 Dex, +12 divine); Senses divine senses (ten times greater than that of a human; extend into Ethereal Plane), darkvision 600 ft.; Listen +110, Spot +110
Aura divine aura (900 ft., DC 55)
Languages all

AC 171, touch 146, flat-footed 103 (+35 Death’s Shroud facsimile, +34 Dex, +21 deflection, +12 divine, +25 natural, +34 dodge); greater scion of death (+24 competence bonus to AC against living creatures), Combat Mastery (trade any amount of BAB for dodge bonus to AC)
hp 3,280 (80 HD); DR 30/epic
Immune intermediate deity immunities, necromantic attacks and spells, undead immunities
Resist cold resistance 80; SR 102
Fort +131, Ref +144, Will +125
Weakness double damage from positive energy effects and spells

Spd 100 ft., fly 100 ft. (perfect)
Melee The Scythe of the Reaper facsimile 4 attacks; always hits except on a natural 1 (+139/+139/+139/+139; touch attack to hit (+163/+163/+163/+163 against living creatures)) (2,380 plus 240 against living creatures/17-20/x10)
Ranged +126
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +80; Grp +110
Atk Options Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery
Special Atks Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery
Combat Gear The Scythe of the Reaper facsimile
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 92nd, +98 on checks to penetrate spell resistance) At will – animate dead, cause fear (DC 56), commune, create greater undead, create undead, death knell (DC 57), death ward (DC 59), destruction (DC 62), dream, greater dispel magic, greater teleport (DC 62), magic jar (DC 60), sending, slay living (DC 60), tongues (DC 58), wail of the banshee (DC 64); 12/day – wish (DC 64) (Death's aspect may use animate dead, cause fear, create greater undead, create undead, death knell, death ward, destruction, slay living, or wail of the banshee as a swift action each round).

Abilities Str 47, Dex 79, Con --, Int 40, Wis 40, Cha 53
SQ cosmic abilities, divine abilities, double death portfolio qualities, intermediate deity qualities, undead traits
Feats Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Cleave, Greater Spell Penetration, Greater Weapon Focus (scythe), Greater Weapon Specialization (scythe), Improved Critical (scythe), Mobility, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Run, Spell Penetration, Spring Attack, Track, Weapon Focus (scythe), Weapon Specialization (scythe), Whirlwind Attack
Epic Feats Cats Fall, Combat Mastery, Dexterous Fortitude, Dexterous Will, Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Weapon Focus (scythe), Epic Weapon Specialization (scythe), Ether Goer, Etheric Vision, Great Charisma (x7), Great Dexterity (x7), Great Strength (x7), Greater Critical (scythe), Greater Critical Multiplier (scythe), Improved Dodge, Legendary Tracker, Light Eradication, Penetrate Damage Reduction (adamantine), Penetrate Damage Reduction (cold iron), Penetrate Damage Reduction (silver), Plastic Soul, Polyglot, Pre-Emptive Strike, Sixth Sense, Skywalker, Spectral Strike, Spell Opportunity, Subtle Body, Superior Sunder, Supreme Dodge, Tenacious Body, Uncanny Power Attack
Skills Appraise +118, Autohypnosis +118, Balance +137, Bluff +116, Climb +113 (+121 involving climbing ropes), Concentration +116, Craft (all) +110, Decipher Script +110, Diplomacy +132, Disable Device +110, Disguise +116 (+124 to act in character), Escape Artist +129 (+137 involving ropes), Forgery +110, Gather Information +124, Handle Animal +116, Heal +110, Hide +129, Intimidate +124, Jump +121, Knowledge (arcana) +110, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +110, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +110, Knowledge (history) +110, Knowledge (history) +110, Knowledge (local) +110, Knowledge (nature) +118, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +110, Knowledge (psionics) +118, Knowledge (religion) +110, Knowledge (the planes) +110, Listen +110, Move Silently +129, Open Lock +129, Perform (all) +116, Profession (all) +110, Psicraft +118 (+126 to address power stones), Ride +137, Search +110 (+118 involving secret doors and similar compartments), Sense Motive +110, Sleight of Hand +137, Spellcraft +118 (+126 to decipher spells on scrolls), Spot +110, Survival +110 (+118 when underground, to keep from getting lost or for avoiding natural hazards, in aboveground natural environments, when on other planes, or when following tracks), Swim +113, Tumble +137, Use Magic Device +116 (+132 involving scrolls), Use Psionic Device +116 (+124 to address power stones), Use Rope +129 (+137 involving bindings)
Possessions The Scythe of the Reaper facsimile and Death’s Shroud facsimile
Effective Character Level 140

Intermediate Deity Traits:

  • Divine Aura (Su): Every creature within 900 ft. of Death's aspect is within its divine aura. As a free action each round, Death's aspect may choose its aura to have one of the following effects (DC 90):
Daze: Those within Death's aspect's aura must make a Will save or be unable to act, other than defend themselves, for 1 round.
Fear: Those within Death's aspect's aura must make a Will save or be shaken and suffer a -2 more penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks.
Heroism: Allies within Death's aspect's aura gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls, saves, and checks.
  • Divine Bonus (Ex): As an Intermediate Deity, Death's aspect has a +12 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance (already factored into above statistics).
  • Divine Senses (Ex): Death's aspect's senses are ten times superior to those of a human (its darkvision is also ten times greater than normal, and it can also see into the Ethereal Plane, thanks to its Etheric Vision feat).
  • Grant Spells (Su): Death's aspect can grant spells of any level (the recipient must still be of sufficient power to cast the spell).
  • Immortality (Ex): Death's aspect does not age and does not require air, food, drink, or sleep.
  • Immunities (Ex): Death's aspect is unaffected by natural effects (e.g. lava, natural lightning, etc). Death's aspect can still be affected by magical effects.
  • Maven (Ex): Death's aspect has maximum ranks in all skills it knows (already factored into above statistics).

Double Death Portfolio Abilities:

  • Greater Scion of Death (Ex): Death's aspect gains a +24 competence bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and armor class against living creatures.
  • Necromantic Immunity (Ex): Death's aspect is immune to necromantic attacks and spells.
  • Perfect Embodiment of Death (Ex): Death's aspect's necromantic attacks (e.g. Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery, necromantic spells, etc.) can affect any creature, regardless of immunities.
  • Perfect Summoning (Undead): Undead that Death's aspect creates/summons have triple normal Hit Dice.
  • Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery (Su): Death's aspect is able to use any of the following negative energy effects (calculated as though it had twice as many Hit Dice). These effects damage constructs and other creatures normally immune to negative energy (due to Death's aspect's Perfect Embodiment of Death power), but heal undead creatures (or other creatures that are healed by negative energy) 5 hp per negative level. Creatures that gain negative levels can make a Fortitude save (DC 65) after one day to remove the effect. Death's aspect may use multiple powers at once, but the number of negative levels dealt is divided by the number of powers used (e.g. if Death's aspect uses Negative Energy Beam and Negative Energy Strike in the same round, Negative Energy Beam would deal 26 negative levels, and each Negative Energy Strike would deal 6 negative levels). When using area-effect powers, Death's aspect can choose which creatures in the area are affected and which are not.
Beam (Ray): As a standard action, Death's aspect can fire a beam of negative energy from its eyes, as a ranged touch attack up to 6,800 ft. away., that deals 26 negative energy levels (no save).
Blast (Wave): As a standard action, Death's aspect can (from itself, or from any point it has line of effect to within 6,800 ft.) create an explosion of negative energy that deals 13 negative levels to everyone within a 425 ft. radius. Those affected may make a Reflex save (DC 65) for half damage.
Blood: As a standard action, Death's aspect can make it so those who strike and injure it are hit by negative energy "splash-back" that inflicts 6 negative levels. Anyone so affected may make a Reflex save (DC 65) to avoid the negative levels.
Breath: As a standard action once every 1d4 rounds, Death's aspect can use a negative energy breath weapon (either in a cone out to 425 ft., or in a line out to 1,700 ft.) that deals 26 negative levels. Anyone so affected may make a Reflex save (DC 65) for half damage.
Hand: As a standard action, Death's aspect may make a touch attack that deals 39 negative levels (no save).
Immolation (self-destruction): If reduced to 0 hit points (or as a standard action) Death's aspect explodes, dealing 39 negative levels to everyone within a 900 ft. radius. Affected creatures may make a Reflex save (DC 65) for half damage.
Storm (aura): As a standard action, Death's aspect can surround itself with a "storm" of negative energy in a 900 ft. radius. Everyone within the storm takes 6 negative levels every round, though affected creatures may make a Reflex save (DC 65) each round for half damage. This remains in effect until Death's aspect ceases to use it (a free action).
Strike: As a free action, Death's aspect can make all of its melee attacks (whether with manufactured or natural weapons) deal 6 negative levels on a successful hit (no save); this does not stack with any negative weapons dealt by a weapon's special abilities.
Wrath (gaze): As a standard action, Death's aspect may grant itself a negative energy gaze attack, which lasts until it takes a free action to end it. Everyone within 425 ft. must make a Will save each round (DC 65) or take 13 negative levels. While this power is in use, Death's aspect may also take a standard action to use its gaze attack against one opponent, forcing that opponent to make another saving throw against this power. All the standard rules for gaze effects apply to this attack.

Divine Abilities:

  • Heavenly Soul (Su): Death's aspect adds a +21 luck bonus to all of its saving throws (already factored into above statistics).
  • Moderate Eradication (Ex): Death's aspect has a 50% chance of scoring a critical hit against creatures normally immune to critical hits.
  • Nescient (Ex): Death's aspect does not need to meet the prerequisites for the feats it has.
  • Omnicompetent (Ex): Death's aspect knows all skills.
  • Perfect Weapon Focus (Ex): Death's aspect always uses its highest BAB for iterative attacks.
  • Perfect Weapon Specialization (scythe) (Ex): Death's aspect always deals maximum damage when wielding a scythe (this also applies to extra damage dice gained from/with the weapon).
  • Superior Critical (scythe) (Ex): Death's aspect's critical threat range for all attacks with a scythe is quadrupled.
  • Threatening Critical (Ex): All critical threats that Death's aspect makes are automatically confirmed as critical hits.
  • Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Death's aspect uses its Dexterity modifier as its dodge bonus to Armor Class (already factored into above statistics).
  • Uncanny Weapon Focus (Ex): Death's aspect's Base Attack Bonus is equal to its Hit Dice (normally, Death's aspect's BAB equals its HD anyway, but this ability is a prerequisite for Unearthly Weapon Focus).
  • Uncanny Weapon Specialization (Ex): Every weapon Death's aspect wields inflicts damage as though it were made of pure adamantine with a 0.003% lining of orichalcum.
  • Unknowing Spirit (Ex): Death's aspect adds a +12 insight bonus to the save DCs of all its abilities (already factored into above statistics).

Cosmic Abilities:

  • Legendary Dexterity (Ex): Death's aspect's Dexterity score is doubled (this is applied before adding Great Dexterity; already factored into above statistics).
  • Spirited Away (Su): If Death's aspect is about to be destroyed, it is instantly plane shifted back to the Negative Energy Plane. This ability does not function if Death's aspect is already on the Negative Energy Plane.
  • Unearthly Weapon Focus (Ex): Death's aspect only needs to make touch attacks to hit an opponent.
  • Unearthly Weapon Specialization (Ex): The base damage for Death's aspect's attacks is multiplied by its critical hit modifier. On a critical hit, the damage is again multiplied by the critical hit multiplier, for full value (e.g. a double-double is a quadruple, not a triple).

Undead Traits: Death is immune to ability damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity), ability drain, critical hits, death effects, death from massive damage, disease, effects that require a Fortitude save (unless it affects objects or is harmless), energy drain, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, or stunning. Death is healed by negative energy and harmed by positive energy, and is destroyed at 0 hit points (though Spirited Away applies just before this would happen).


Description: This minor artifact is a lesser replica of the true Scythe of the Reaper, though it is still quite powerful. Crafted from pure adamantine with an inlay of 0.003% orichalcum, the blade is adorned with runes that spell out "Death" in every language. The Scythe of the Reaper resizes to the appropriate size for each wielder (doing a base 3d6 damage for Medium wielders), and requires a minimum Strength of 40 to wield.
Powers: The Scythe of the Reaper facsimile is a +25 unerring scythe. It overcomes the first 20 points of hardness that an object has. The Scythe of the Reaper facsimile bestows twenty-five negative levels on any living creatures attempting to wield it. The negative levels remains as long as the Scythe is in hand and disappears when the Scythe is no longer wielded. These negative levels never results in actual level loss, but they cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the Scythe is wielded.


Description: This minor artifact is a lesser copy of Death's Shroud. Pure black, it reflects no light whatsoever and feels uncomfortably cold to the touch, always having a thin coat of grave dust on it. It resizes to fit each wearer.
Powers: Death's Shroud facsimile grants a +35 bonus to AC; this bonus is typeless, and applies to touch and flat-footed AC as well. It also grants a +35 typeless bonus to saves. Further, any creature wearing gains a +10 ft. enhancement bonus to all forms of movement that they have. Death's Shroud facsimile bestows twenty-five negative levels on any living creatures attempting to wear it. The negative levels remains as long as the Shroud is worn and disappears when the Shroud is removed. These negative levels never results in actual level loss, but they cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the Shroud is worn.

  • Ordinarily, Death does not have an aspect. If it decides to create one, however, it uses the above statistics. Each aspect that Death has in existence reduces its total quintessence (see above) by 800,000,000.


Name: Mortis Domus, or Deathome.
Size: 206,060,606,060 mile diameter area controlled by Death's avatar. If Death were to be freed, this area would expand to cover a 400,000,000,000 mile diameter area.
Alignment Traits: None.
Elemental Traits: None.
Gravity Traits: Subjective directional gravity.
Energy Traits: Major negative-dominant.
Magic Traits: Enhanced magic. Spells and spell-like abilities that use negative energy are maximized (as if the Maximize Spell metamagic feat had been used on them, but the spells don’t require higher-level slots). Spells and spell-like abilities that are already maximized are unaffected by this benefit. Class abilities that use negative energy, such as rebuking and controlling undead, gain a +10 bonus on the roll to determine Hit Dice affected.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use positive energy, including cure spells, are impeded. Characters on this plane take a -10 penalty on Fortitude saving throws made to remove negative levels bestowed by an energy drain attack.
Temporal Traits: Normal time flow.
Notes: Being a godly realm, enemies of Death take a -24 penalty to all dice rolls while within Mortis Domus. If Death itself were to be freed, this penalty would rise to -48.

There's no obvious boundary denoting Death's realm from the rest of this empty plane. However, you can feel the tug on your souls grow even stronger, as if every part of you was longing to die. In the far distance, you can barely make out tiny specks, not quite as black as the ebony pitch of the void, that might be structures or even creatures.


Death's great castle is known only as the Tomb. A truly massive and ancient structure, it is constructed entirely from obsidian and covers a mind-boggling septillion of cubic miles at the heart of Death's realm. From the outside it appears to be a huge black orb over a hundred million miles across, pockmarked with holes of various sizes that allow entry and egress.
Because of the plane's subjective directional gravity, the Tomb's layout is labyrinthine in design, and tends to be horribly confusing to creatures that are used to objective directional gravity. It has everything from small rooms that a Medium creature could barely squeeze into, to massive chambers that could hold an entire Prime Material world. The one constant feature of the Tomb, however, is its lightlessness; no sources of light are to be found within its walls, though this is little problem for most of the denizens here, since they have darkvision. At the heart of the Tomb lies Death's throne room.


Located over ten billion miles from the Tomb is the next largest location in Death's realm, dubbed "Bone Town" by the residents there. Despite being called a town, Bone Town is itself massive in scope, being a planet-sized cluster of bones from all sorts of creatures (though it still pales in comparison to the Tomb). Unlike the rest of the plane, the area around Bone Town has objective directional gravity (towards the center of the bony mass) out to one mile away from Bone Town's surface. Though there's plenty of room at the Tomb, Bone Town is considered to be the "liveliest" place in Mortis Domus, as many of the residents find it easier to navigate due to the gravity and open space. Some say that the bones that comprise Bone Town are all actually animate skeletons, ordered by Death to lie still and spy on all those who trod on them. Still others whisper that Bone Town is not an army of skeletons, but one single humongous skeleton, awaiting the day Death orders it to action...


Not a place, Exhumus is the name of a zombie macrobe cachalot whale. This enormous creature is twelve miles long (Macro-Gargantuan), and is the mobile fortress for Death's standing army. It is currently commanded by the hunefer cleric Shasrak (cleric 31; ECL 81, CR 54).


The following is a list of possible random encounters within Death's realm. Encounter Levels have specifically not been given so that the encounter may be tailored as necessary.

1d8 Encounter

1 -- Dread wraiths
2-3 -- Wights
4-5 -- Negative energy elementals (from The Tome of Horrors III [1])
6 -- Visitors (e.g. emissary from a death god)
7 -- Unique (e.g. Azrael, Exhumus, etc.)
8 -- GM's choice


Minions: Negative energy elementals.
Petitioners: Undead (skeletons and zombies, typically with 1d6 character levels); Elite Undead (mummies and devourers, typically with 1d6+6 character levels); Undead Commanders (vampires and liches, typically with 1d6+12 character levels).
Saints: Necrys - elven rogue 9/assassin 10 prophet (ECL 29, CR 25).
Servitors: Various outsiders (a mixture of good outsiders that have become neutral, and evil outsiders that have become neutral evil; all of Death's living servitors have the Tomb-Touched Soul feat - from Libris Mortis [2] - that makes them heal from negative energy and take damage from positive energy).


Death's greatest servant is Azrael, the Angel of Death. Azrael appears as a gaunt, pale human figure dressed in a black, hooded robe; many people confuse him for Death itself; however, Azrael wields a black-bladed sword, rather than a scythe. Overseeing both the state of Mortis Domus and various operations across the multiverse, Azrael handles most of Death's affairs, leaving his master free to attend larger issues.

  • Greater deity (95 HD, ECL 175, CR 116) with the death and stoicism portfolios.


Emptiness is Death's ambassador, tasked with dealing with the death gods from various pantheons to make sure that they are well representing death and undeath across the cosmos. Though most of the various deities it meets with are more powerful than it, none dare to take up arms against Emptiness, knowing that to do so would be to provoke the wrath of Death itself. Despite this, Emptiness seems to take no joy in its job. It would much rather be in charge of killing those that Death has decided have lived too long. Azrael, however, has kept Emptiness in its position as an emissary, leaving the creature's rage in a slow burn.

  • Advanced (42 HD) shadow of the void lesser deity (EL 83, CR 54) with the death and vengeance portfolios.



Death's statistics use feats from several sources beyond what's in the SRD. Most but not all of these feats come from The Immortal's Handbook: Ascension. The following is a list of what feats come from where, along with a summary of what they do.

Player's Guide to the Sovereign Lands [3]

Irresistable Spell: This spell gains a +10 bonus to its DC. The spell level increases by +4.

The Practical Enchanter: [4]

Personal Immunity: You are immune to spells you cast. The spell level increases by +0.

Unapproachable East [5]

Transdimensional Spell: This spell can affect creatures on coexistent planes, extradimensional spaces, etc. The spell level increases by +1. This feat can also be found in Complete Divine [6], Complete Arcane [7], and on the WotC website [8].

Mega-Feats Vol. II [9]

Generous Spell: A spell that normally can only be cast on you can instead be cast as a touch spell. The spell level increases by +0.

Immediate Spell: You may cast this spell as an immediate action. The spell level increases by +5.

Unholy Fortitude: An undead creature gains its Charisma modifier to Fortitude saves.

Unholy Toughness: An undead creature adds its Charisma modifier to the number of hit points gained per Hit Die.

The Immortal's Handbook: Ascension

Automatic Metamagic Capacity: This feat is worth one free level of metamagic, that can be applied to a spell when cast. This feat can be taken multiple times. A Quickened spell that uses AMC feats to pay the entire "cost" of Quickening is cast as a free action, instead of a swift action.

Cats Fall: You take no damage from falling.

Combat Mastery: You may trade any amount of BAB for dodge bonuses to AC.

Ether Goer: You can become ethereal at will.

Etheric Vision: You see into the Ethereal Plane.

Greater Critical: One chosen weapon's critical threat range triples.

Greater Critical Multiplier: Your critical multiplier with a weapon increases by a set amount.

Improved Dodge: Your bonus from the Dodge feat rises to +6.

Light Eradication: You have a 25% of making a critical hit against objects/creatures that are normally immune to critical hits.

Metamagic Freedom: You can apply a metamagic feat to a spell multiple times.

Plastic Soul: You can squeeze through any opening, and can escape any non-magical bindings.

Pre-Emptive Strike: You can make one extra attack at the start of a fight.

Sixth Sense: You cannot be surprised, and you cannot be caught flat-footed except by beings with 4 or more levels/Hit Dice.

Skywalker: You can fly.

Subtle Body: You can stand on things that shouldn't be able to bear your weight, including liquids.

Superior Sunder: Your missed attacks are treated as being sunder attempts.

Supreme Dodge: You gain your Dodge bonus (from the feat) against all opponents.

Tenacious Body: Your gravity reorients itself to whatever surface you walk on.

Uncanny Power Attack: You automatically gain the amount of Power Attack you could have made after you make your attack roll.


Death's scythe also has several epic weapon properties that come from the Immortal's Handbook Epic Bestiary Volume I [10]. These are summarized below:

Echoing: An echoing weapon that deals damage to a creature deals equal damage to all other creatures within reach. This stacks with Whirlwind Attack.

Opening: An opening weapon has its critical threat range tripled. This stacks with Improved Critical, Greater Critical, and Superior Critical, but not with the keen weapon ability.

Unerring: An unerring weapon misses only on a natural 1 on an attack roll; otherwise it automatically hits, regardless of the opponent's armor class.

